The purpose of the traditional conference is to promote the formation of knowledge and views among participants in the system for effective implementation of modern management and consulting methods, increase labor productivity, and create conditions for business development.
- Tell us about the origin of the idea of holding HR-conference in Uzbekistan.
- In 2014, we founded a company that specializes in management consulting. One of the main directions at the initial stage was consulting in the field of HR management: strategic planning of human capital, HR audit, organizational development, HR support, and search and selection of top management. At the same time, we are faced with the fact that in most companies, especially in state holdings, there are no HR-functions. In our community there was a large gap in knowledge and experience in the field of HR management. We started to conduct free seminars and lectures on topical issues, consideration of which prompted us to organize an event for specialists of this sphere, so that, having united, we could conduct an expert examination, discuss topical issues, exchange experiences and learn something new. So the idea arose for holding HR-conference. At first it was a business forum "Anti-crisis HR", in which about 100 specialists participated for two days. Then we decided to discuss in more detail the issues of the labor market, personnel search. I believe that events are useful only when they bring measurable results to their organizers and customers. Even at the planning stage, we clearly identified the objectives of the event. Now, together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, we are holding a series of events on the relevance of HR "Introduction to HR Management" for organizations and companies in Uzbekistan. The topic is relevant and necessary. Today, more attention is paid to the development of human capital. The primary role in the formation of a qualified, properly motivated and successful team of any organization is assigned to HR services, HR departments. Taking into account the strategically important tasks set for HR managers today, they are being given corresponding requirements, dictated by modern trends in the field of personnel management. And we in Uzbekistan still do not have a serious HR-faculty, which would be trained specialists in HR-management. Many do not even know how to increase the efficiency and productivity of labor with the help of modern techniques. After all, the main goal of HR is the optimization and competent management of human capital, so that the organization can increase productivity and maximize profits.
- Tell a little about the topic of the upcoming event, why exactly "Attraction and development of talents"?
- We choose annual HR conferences on the basis of labor market trends. We regularly review the labor market, so we understand what is happening in this segment. Very often domestic companies face the problem of selecting and searching for qualified narrowly specialized specialists, employees who meet the necessary business requirements. On the one hand, we have a huge number of specialists, and on the other hand, their qualifications do not always meet the criteria of developing companies. Sometimes there are not enough technical personnel, engineers-designers, competent IT-specialists and production companies are gaining power, expanding, and modernizing. Modern Uzbekistan is large companies and production facilities, industrial holdings and well-known brands, for the development of which competent workers and professionals are needed. For business to flourish and be competitive, professionals are needed who are ready for self-improvement and change, are in the business trend, open to everything new. The main topic of the upcoming HR-conference in 2017, we chose "Attraction and development of talent." The most important thing that we want to convey to the participants of the event is that the practice of training talents within the company is effective, and the search for necessary specialists among the internal arsenal of the organization is productive and brings good results. We offer enterprises to take responsibility for self-education and talent training. After all, no educational institution will prepare for practice a 100% ready-made specialist, who immediately after the release begins to work with complete dedication. Of course, much depends on the graduate himself, but also the enterprises must learn to motivate the staff and create the conditions for their development, thereby preparing the necessary personnel for themselves and cultivating talents within the company. Over the years, the largest companies in the labor market of Uzbekistan (Nestle, UzBAT, General Motors) in practice have proved that young specialists, in whose training they invested and who were trained in accordance with the specifics of their activities, have now become successful executives, influential managers, competent managers. That is, the companies themselves have trained colossal specialists and managers not only for their own needs, but also for the development of business in Uzbekistan as a whole. In the conditions of the domestic labor market, these companies have proved that the practice of preparing and cultivating talents has its niche and is successful today. And if each company takes responsibility for training talents and starts investing in the development of its employees, the level of professional skills will generally improve. Directly from the conference we expect that companies that have experience in preparing and developing talents will tell and show how they do it. It is planned that SPEAKERS and invited experts will share their experience in attracting and selecting the necessary specialists, will talk about the development methodology, existing staff motivation programs and development programs, how it looks in practice and what the results of these activities are.
- The success of an event of such magnitude as the HR-conference "Attraction and development of talents" directly depends on the composition of the audience. Who will share their experience with domestic specialists this time?
-"Specially for the participation in the conference "Attraction and development of talents" we invited foreign speakers, practitioners and prominent HR specialists who will share their experience, present innovative methods of talent attraction and development. We very scrupulously approached the issue of choosing and inviting speakers. Experienced speakers and specialists of those companies that have real practices are to participate in this conference. In their presentations invited experts and SPEAKERS will share proven technologies, tools, algorithms. Themes of speeches are an example of the use of certain techniques in solving specific production and business problems. These are real practical examples, the implementation of which contributes to the development of human potential in fuller scope. - Those who participate in the conference on an ongoing basis know that the business program is not a stiff dogma; it is constantly being transformed and updated within the framework of the main topic. So it will be at the next event? What will this time enter into an extensive business program? - The program a month before the project has already been formed completely, which is almost unbelievable. We are very pleased with the mood of our speakers and their willingness to share their experience. In my opinion, every speech of the invited HR-masters will be a real breakthrough and nail of our rich and interesting program. Today, events organized to develop business and popularize HR must have a specific goal. It is always necessary to remember that the development of business largely depends on the activities of HR. Within the context of the conference "Attraction and development of talents" the participants will discover a wide range of opportunities and new ideas for business development, taking into account competent HR. Many new ideas and solutions for business development, fascinating presentations and communication with colleagues, masters and practitioners will be in the arsenal of the event. Come on May 12, 2017 to Radisson Blu Hotel SAS Tashkent and become a participant in the HR-conference "Attraction and Development of Talents." Let's develop our best qualities together.
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